“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”~Lao Tzo. The building of a big cathedral starts with the laying of one single brick. It is the act of faith and conviction that MOTIVATES a pioneer of a project or an institution to act and start the project. The seed of what is known as Christ’s Voice of Restoration Ministries began many years ago in the mind of a man, we now call Prophet Tom Tirivangani.
The seed started in a very remote village in Mudzi district, Mashonal Eat Province, in Zimbabwe. Born to charismatic Catholic parents, Maggie and Kumanda. Prophet Tom Tirivangani grew up in Hamudi village, Nyakuchena area, inspired by faith and the generosity of his parents to the community they lived in, Prophet Tom Tirivangani, although called and admitted to the bar as a Barrister of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zimbabwe, and also as a Barrister of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, he left his career to serve God.
Prophet Tom believed God called him to start the church. Christ’s Voice of Restoration Ministries, a non-denominational church in downtown Hamilton. The Church started on the 9th of September 2008 in an apartment building, 301-15 Albright Road, off King Street in Hamilton. It started with 4 people and now has grown to accommodate many people from different countries. The following countries are represented in the congregation.