The 21st century world is torn apart by conflicts and war. The world is gliding into turmoil and anarchy instead of peace and unity. God’s design is that people must  live together in unity and harmony. Yet, our world is divided in some instances, around religions, political, cultural, social or even economic differences. There is a greater need to bring healing to our broken world. This tragedy has radically affected the destinies of many innocent children and youths around the world. Unless the world leaders take urgent and active steps to help resolve the conflicts, the future of our children is heavily compromised. It is time to redeem the future of our children and take active steps to offer them a future; full of hope and expectation, a future full of opportunities and possibilities, a future full of peace and unity. It is a future where every child and every youth have the opportunity to live in a world that is safe from war and conflict. Children must never live with the fear of displacement, conflict and anarchy. We must provide an environment conducive for the young generation to develop their gifts and talents. It must be an environment where the young generation must engage in education and innovative projects without the threat of war and conflict. This dream can only be realized by offering this Ministry of Reconciliation. (1 Corinthians 5: 16-21) Through the Ministry of Reconciliation, a philosophical understanding is built on how the world can be reconciled to God and to herself.

The International Day of Reconciliation is the dream of one man, Professor Tom Tirivangani; to Reconcile divided families, communities, nations and the world into one happy family of God.

The International Day of Reconciliation is a one-week long celebration of humanity’s quest for unity and peace. This is how the week-long conference and Celebration is organized.

Day 1: Welcome and Accreditation of  Visitors.

Day 2: Hamilton Worship Tour

Day 3: Day of Prayer for Nations

Day 4: Experience The Tom Tirivangani University.

Day 5: Testimonies & Concert

Day 6: Ministry Teachings

Day 7: International Day of Reconciliation Message and Dinner.

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Eastern Europe

“The war in Ukraine is disrupting the lives of millions of children and driving families apart.”

Russia and Ukraine

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is threatening to plunge the world into anarchy and destruction. Pray that there will be peace and Cessation of hostilities. It is estimated that over 6 million people have fled Ukraine since the conflict started on the 24th February 2022. It is also estimated that 7.7 million have been displaced within the country. This include 2-5 million children, most of them have been separated from their families and caregivers.

The tragedy of Nagasaki and Hiroshima 1945

This must never be allowed to repeat itself. What happened on the 6th and the 9th of August 1945; when the USA detonated two atomic bombs over Japan’s two cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima; must never be allowed to repeat itself in the 21st century. The bombs killed between 129,000 to 226,000 people most of them civilians.

The tragedy of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya

The tragedy of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya could have been avoided if the church had stood against the reckless behaviour of George Bush of USA and Tony Blair of UK. The church is the eminent ambassador of peace and unity. The church must allow the ministry of reconciliation to bring healing to the broken world.  

The second world war was the result of the madness and ambition of one man, Adolf Hitler of Germany. His evil heart led to the death of millions of people. This was aided by a complacent and compromised church leadership and an inefficient international legal framework to combat this horrible and deplorable behaviour

Middle East

Israel and Palestine

Pray that there will be peace between Israel and Palestine. Pray that the leaders will lead with a heart full of the fear of God. In addition to the conflict dynamics, between Israel and Lebanon, the red sea, Iraq and Syria have all become arenas of spillover confrontation from Gaze. A violent spike in any of these hot spots could quickly escalated to a wider confrontation.

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